This is Yenetabet’s first small-scale Erasmus+ project where we aim to learn a lot from our partners Parents International (IPA) and Spelenderwijzer.
This project aims to build bridges by socially including African families in European society. This will be done by improving assertive communication skills of parents and increasing their knowledge on children’s rights and education, which leads to more interaction with the school and other parents. By showing parents good examples of activities they can do with their children, they will go outside more and stop isolating themselves, only being in contact with people of their own community.
- – Joint staff training
- – 10 pilot workshops on parenting skills. Topics: Parenting skills in general – rights of the child – How children learn – Conflict resolution – Assertive Communication (e.g. with school, other parents) – Internet, screen time, digital age, whenever possible parents and children will be brought together for joint activities.
- 3 scale up & multiply events to target a wider group of African parents and relevant stakeholders (NGO workers, teachers…)